Your site talks a lot about the body. It sounds different than what I'm use to. Do we still talk in session to process what I'm dealing with?
Yes! There is a misconception that because somatics privileges the wisdom of the body, that we don't spend much time talking in session. We actually do. I connect what you're saying and sharing in session to where it is those feelings or thoughts exist in your body. Have you ever noticed that your muscles tense up when you're stressed or your mind is racing? That's your body's physical response to the stress or anxiety. Your brain and your body work together in response to difficulties. To release the full impacts of stress, it's important to tend to where it's felt in the body. But not a lot of people are even aware of where or how stress impacts their body. That's what I help you do in session as you voice your struggles and feelings. I help guide you toward more awareness.
What is Somatic Stress Release®?
Somatic Stress Release® is a wellness modality created by Dr. Scott Lyons in which the practitioner empowers the client to engage the wisdom of their body. It uses the natural stress response cycle of a person's nervous system to process through stress and other stimuli. It uses movement, mindfulness, and visualization to ease and release any stuck energy and builds capacity to increase resilience.
What if I'm new to somatics?
Welcome! I'm glad you're here. I have experience working with folks with a range of exposure to this modality. You don't have to have prior experience to benefit from a session. That's one of my favorite aspects of this modality! We all have bodies and nervous systems and tending to them is a kind and healing experience no matter when you start.
What approaches do you use?
Somatic Stress Release®
The Resiliency Tool Kit
Narrative Trauma Care
Story Work
Trauma Centered Care
Salutogentic Care
Embodied Activism
Are you a licensed mental health professional?
No. Though my services can be experienced as therapeutic, I'm not a licensed clinician. I'm certified to practice as a somatic practitioner with extensive training in mental health and trauma. However, I'm not licensed in any of the traditional mental health modalities. I believe mental health clinicians do great work; we just use different approaches. In fact, I work in tandem with therapists, counselors, social workers, etc who may not have the training themselves, but desire their clients to experience the benefits of a body-based approach and trauma centered care.
Do you accept insurance?
Unfortunately, I'm not able to take insurance at this time. Typically, somatic and wellness practitioners that have that ability are limited to HSA/FSA only and with a required referral.
What if I'm injured or don't have full mobility?
Good somatic care is still possible! I recommend signing up for a free 30 minute consultation so that I can learn about your specific needs ahead of time.
What if I'm interested, but not sure which offering to sign-up for?
Not a problem! We offer free 30 minute consultations. During that time, I'd be happy to discuss in more depth the difference between individual somatic sessions and coaching.
What do I need for my session?
Coaching appointments require a reliable internet connection and a way to take notes.
For all other sessions, you'll also need a completed informed consent form and a space that allows for privacy as well as a sense of safety and comfort. It's best if you have enough space for you to move around a bit.
After you sign-up for the session, you'll receive the informed consent form and a guide with more detailed information in a welcome packet.
Do you speak Farsi?
Baleh, Azizaam. I speak at an advanced level 1, and as some of my relatives like to point out, ba lahje e Amricaee. :P If it's something you value, with your permission, I can incorporate it into our sessions. I believe it can be helpful to include, because as the saying goes, "trauma does not occur in a vacuum." Bringing all the parts of your identity into your healing is powerful and freeing.